• Filet a 1-2 Lb. pork loin (approx.18 inches long 3 in. wide).
  • Rub down with Olive oil and herbs
  • Add drizzles of the Espresso Aged Balsamic Vinegar on both folds
  • Add in your favorite dressing, or diced mushrooms, spinach, cranberries, nuts, etc. and blend in the Wild Mushroom & Sage olive oil (2 oz.)
  • Roll back up & secure with tooth picks or string
  • Wrap 5-8 slices of bacon around entire loin.
  • Sauté in skillet until bacon is browned.
  • Transfer to a baking dish, cover with foil and roast for about 45 min on 350.
  • Slice individual pieces on a long plate and separate each with an orange slice